Monday, March 12, 2018

Published 2:12 AM by with 1821 comments

How mobile apps are important for health care business

Importance of mobile application:
Smartphones have become quite common device because of the acute functionality they offer, making them an inseparable part of the digital world. Small or large, each enterprise is looking to make their business apparently best, at the least, to consumers. Because of the high competition, mobile applications are very important for all businesses. Mobile application development companies in USA are also developing high quality UI/UX solutions for their clients from different industries like health care, transport, games, travel etc.

Role of Mobile Apps in Healthcare:
The United States of America health care system is unique for the sheer involvement of digital technology in it, especially with mobile apps. In 2014, 48 percent of U.S. health care spending came from private funds, with 28 percent coming from households and 20 percent coming from private businesses. The federal government accounted for 28 percent of spending while state and local governments accounted for 17 percent. Most health care services, even if publicly financed, is delivered privately, and in 2018, it might increase more compared to the past few years. As of now, United States of America is the leading health care system in the world.
Benefits for health care mobile application:

  1. Interaction with patients
  2. Communication with hospital management
  3. Scheduling appointments
  4. Prescription management with patients
  5. Easy payment method

Interaction with patients:
Earlier, hospital management systems have been communicating with their clients through telecom services and have been relying on television advisements, hoarding and more, which is quite difficult for clients and patients to find. Through mobile application, patients will carry out direct interaction with hospital management, or concern doctors. And with the help of AI technology, patients can also get personalized services.
Communication with hospital management:
Communication management is very important aspect in health care system. The hospital management has to take decisions like payment information, scheduling appointments, notifying the patient and their family about any changes in the treatment etc. Also, the doctors can directly send health reports to patients through mobile app, where the patient has to register with the application for once.

Scheduling appointments:
With mobile apps, patients can now easily schedule appointments and even get notified before the appointment. Appsdevelopment has played a great role at reducing the queue that people would stand in to get a token number assigned. People can simply get the token number assigned from the app and check the estimated time left, so that they can save time and invest it on better things.

Prescription management with patients
Maintaining medical records for a patients from a single medical clinic is a tedious job. Think of how bigger hospitals maintain the same; very tedious. But it was only till we had mobile apps enter the healthcare sector. With mobile app development, we now have tools that hospitals can use to maintain medical records such as prescriptions, test reports, medical advices, drugs prescribed etc., and integrate them to create a consolidated record for each patient, separately. This will reduce the workload on hospital staff and

Easy payment method
With the integration of electronic wallet apps with mobile apps from different spheres, payments have been simplified for healthcare applications as well. Not only such solutions save a patient, the hassles of paying with cash, they also allow the patient to load the amount in the wallet at once, so that the money can be deducted by the hospital, whenever needed.

The mobile application is the best resource for every business person. and it is not only for health care system, it will help every technology platform business, as of now one going days mobile application is best way to handle your business with your competitors. However, mobile application development companies providing great UI applications and improving the technology passionate world.

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Monday, February 26, 2018

Published 2:48 AM by with 749 comments

How are Mobile Apps evolving Education Sector

app development

Needless to mention, education sector is one of the most important sectors in the world. One way to look at it could be that you wouldn’t be reading this article if it weren’t for education. Another more elaborative and significant take on this could be that education sector is directly influencing our future by shaping up tomorrow. As per the growing need and global programmes pushing their borders to disrupt conventional methods of imparting education, we have seen tremendous growth in the sector in recent times. As per a report by Statista – one of the leading statistical data providers – education sector grew almost 500% within a period of 2011-2017, from $3.4 billion to $16.2 billion respectively. Digital classrooms like K2, Khan Academy and many more, have received funding from the biggest players to promote education at a global level. Top mobile app development companies as well, have focused heavily in developing education sector in last few years with Edu-apps like Grammarly, Coursera and more. The scope of mobile apps has always been significant in the education sector given the portable form of education students can enjoy without limits. To help you understand better, let’s take an elaborate look at how mobile apps are benefitting education sector.

Communication gap between students and institutions
There always has been a communication gap between students and institution that makes learning, not a very fun activity for some students. But with advancements in mobile app development that yield better apps, institutes can pay equal attention to all students. At present by using a mobile application, it is possible to reach out to all of them. School communication apps make it possible to launch circular to inform students about new schedules, different forums, various conferences, social & school activities. Also quite effective at conducting query and doubt sessions, mobile apps can now specifically focus on students that are not very comfortable at clearing doubts in the classroom.

Benefits of Mobile application:
Now-a-days, smartphone usage have gone up to unprecedented levels, with majority of students being the users. Not only mobile app help student to quickly learn subjects in a comprehensive manner, but also to choose when and where. By using smartphones, a student may skip on visiting libraries from time to time to fish for information and interesting topics, and can also share that information with others through social media and mobile applications.
The education researchers are coming up with new techniques like E-learning application development that engage students in learning through innovative ways. The need of the hour is to make students focus on their subject-oriented studies. As far as traditional methods are considered, it is expected to carry a bag of books and copies and indulge into the traditional method of writing while learning. And it is quite known that not every student can absorb knowledge while they are busy in writing notes, because each student is different.

Advantages of educational mobile applications
Use new learning methods:
Using mobile application platform to offer education to children who are addicted to using smartphones could be quite a corrective step, or at least channelizing. Conventional methods are alright, but to impart conventional education in a more effective way through smart education technologies such as smart classrooms, personalized tests, digital notes and more, through a mobile app. Apart from that, mobile apps with personalization features can adapt to the user (student) and provide specific topics and subjects based on what is required to help the student improve.

Introduce online classes:
These days, students are generally much indulged in online classrooms. This is where library apps and book search apps come into the picture. These mobile applications make it easy for the students to search the appropriate study material. With portable study material, students can learn anywhere, anytime without having to look for hard copies for subject information. The info available on some of the mobile apps can readily be saved offline for studying in areas with weak internet services.

Throughout the world we have many mobile app developmentcompanies California are there in  that many of the companies building mobile applications with a great features by using new technology interfaces in that mobile app development company in USA also providing best services for their clients and they were develop 1000+ applications up to now . For your best education choose best instruction and for best mobile application choose best mobile app Development Company.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Published 11:45 PM by with 411 comments

Best Features in chatbots

Best Features in chatbots
Chatbots is the latest buzz word in the world of mobile app development. But what are chatbots really? Chabot is a computer program designed to simulate conversations with humans, especially over the Internet. If you think chatbots are new technology, you may be wrong. In 1966, at MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Chatbot Eliza was built by Joseph Weizenbaum that could indulge in human conversations. Modelled after a Rogerian psychotherapist, Eliza worked by simple parsing and provided a parody of a conversation with a psychiatrist in the initial few minutes of the meeting.  
As per the stats, with chatbot market valued at $113 million in 2017, and a predicted growth prospects to reach $994.5 million by 2024, we can say that chatbots are all set to grow. That’s partly because people are relying more and more on messaging apps, like Facebook Messenger, Slack and Telegram etc.  To sum it up, the tech-scenario is developing day by day, making chatbots an effective customer interaction tool, with following features on board:

Conversation Breaks:
Considering conversation breaks would be a smart thing to do when you are making a chatbot. Chatbots shall always be there to help, but must know when to leave. In-chat suggestions and suggestions based on what is there on user’s screen is a smart feature, but placing suggestions on each and everything is not. The chatbot must be intelligent enough to read users’ search history and search pattern in order to come up with suggestions. 

Payment plugin:
The core purpose of a chatbot is to avail convenience for its customers. Also, chatbots have 24x7 connectivity, are intelligent, and can easily be linked to allied services such as electronic payments on mobile platforms. And not just that, a chatbot can be augmented to draw a preview of e-commerce products and can allow direct purchase of the product from the chat window itself. Many chatbot mobile app developers have already created chatbot applications that draw feed from other apps from different categories such as weather, share market, news and more. So, fetching feed from e-commerce applications and mirroring their payment channels on the chatbot shouldn’t be a hard nut to crack.  

Exit button:
Sometimes people would not need chatbot, and would like to chat without any suggestions. And for the sake of user experience, you shall provide them with an ‘exit’ button that shuts the chatbot down when the user chooses to. Moreover, it shall be a toggle button that also allows the user to boot the chatbot up whenever they want.  

Social media integration: 
With the tremendous advancements we have witnessed in social media in the last few years, it is apparent that social media platforms can allow a user to do a lot. While social media on its own is quite sufficient in itself, using the chatbot to allow people to check or post to their social media accounts, or even extract a particular piece of info from the platform would be making a good use of it.  

You are probably struggling with your business if you don`t have an overview of your analytics in real time. Chatbots are able to run analytics for your business in real time, which will provide you with insights on your business, sorted by location, age, gender etc. You can also analyse the data produced via chatbots to gain leads and get in touch with prospective customers.

Natural Language Processing:
NLP is a software that doesn’t look for keywords in your text like search engines do, rather it uses knowledge of sentence structure, idioms, and machine learning patterns to match what you say to an “intent”, and which has been “classified”, which means the bot has been programmed to identify certain things people want from it, and act upon them. 

The potential of chatbots have recently been identified by the world of technology, as we have seen chatbot being used in activities more than just automated chats, some of which are conversation-based suggestions, media suggestions, online product overview and much more. In future, we can expect chatbots in much more complex operations such as direct online purchases, intelligent buying suggestions, and more. 

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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Published 10:59 PM by with 421 comments

How Search engine optimization helps to improve your business

What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website, web page, blog, app description, or basically anything on the web in the form of content, to make it more visible on the web. The physical significance of SEO is that it increases your reach on the web, getting you more customers and leads, thereby boosting your sales. 

Why is SEO important?
Competition in the digital world has gone insane by now and is bound to increase even more. Simply putting out your content on the web is not enough to survive the heat in the market. These days around, SEO has become a subset of mobile app development. SEO personnel work in close co-ordination with app developers to use relevant keywords in the app, app descriptions and more content-based elements of the mobile apps as well. It is thus important to use certain techniques such as keywords, in-bound and out-bound links, social media integration etc. 

If you are not among the top ten on Google Search, reaching your goals is as good as dead. The purpose of SEO is to get your content among the top results so that your website is what reaches first to the users, before your competitors. 

Other than that, SEO is not just a technical thing. It also improves the quality of content and adorns the content with keywords that readers like to see when reading about something specific, thereby making it more readable and pro domain.

In terms of reach, SEO is also a very dynamic tool to keep you up and about on social media. These days the definition of social media has broadened, and encompasses more platforms than ever to be optimized, among which one is social media which is quite wide in itself. The best thing about social media is that you only have to configure your content according to only one of those platforms, and if your content is good, you can see your content trending on other social platforms as well. 

SEO can put you ahead of the competition, if two are more websites are selling same products in online store and if your website has a proper SEO-oriented framework, you can easily beat your competitors. 

How to do Search Engine Optimization for your website:

Website Analysis 
Site Auditing 
Keyword Research 
Competitor Analysis 
On-page SEO
Off-page SEO
Google Webmaster Guidelines 
Google Analytics 

Website analysis:
Before going for website SEO, you need to check your website performance, speed, user experience, user interface, content and more. Fix all the issues and loopholes in your pre-existing content, broken links, spelling errors, sentence construction, and whichever shortcomings you can find.

Site Auditing: 
Site auditing is the one of the most important tactics before going for SEO. By using different kinds of site auditing tools, you can find your existing SEO score, and figure out errors in your website, and also receive suggestions for the same.

Keyword Research:
Keyword Research is an SEO activity that involves identifying popular words and phrases people use in search engines. By carrying out a keyword research prior to start writing the content, a marketer can understand what the trending searches for a particular topic are and how tough the competition is if you use the same keyword.  

On-page SEO:
On-page optimization refers to what rank your website would achieve in organic search queries. On-page optimization works through coding which you can write from scratch or use pre-written codes that are available on the web. Some of the on-page optimization tools that most of the SEO analysts and experts currently use include actual HTML code, Meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density, ALT tags, canonicalization URLS, content, robot.txt, sitemap submission etc.

Off-page SEO:
Off-page optimization is a process that involves all processes external to the website that can affect its search engine reach and results. It is a series of different processes that are directly or indirectly performed on external websites with the intent to optimize it for search engines. Examples social bookmarking, guest posting, social media optimization etc.

Google Webmaster Guidelines:
Before doing SEO you need read about webmaster guidelines for search engines. By following search engine webmaster guidelines, your website will get more traffic and shoot up in terms of ranking. There are two ways in which you can use Google Webmaster guidelines; one is black hat and another one is white hat.    

Google Analytics: 
Google Analytics is a tool owned by Google that can help you a lot in tracking your website’s performance. With Google Analytics, which is a freemium, you can check website traffic, bounce rate, rate of conversion, keywords performance etc. Mobile app development companies like Google can now build mobile app-based analytics tool for tracking website performance. And because of this increased accessibility, it is easier than ever to use analytics tool.

SEO is the much needed technique every business needs in order to stand out among competitors. But then, in order keep reaping the benefits of SEO, one will always have to catch up with the latest trends, keywords, and much more that belongs from the digital world. This important because Google keeps changing its search algorithms according to what people are constantly adding to the server database. 

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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Published 10:01 PM by with 181 comments

How to squeeze more space out of your phone

How to squeeze more space out of your phone
It is understandable how frustrating it could get to see your phone running out of storage. The biggest problem in smartphones and one of the biggest challenges in mobile appdevelopment companies Dallas, especially the ones with android, is the ever-expanding size of mobile apps. With each update, apps cover a little more space, which means you run out of little more of the same. For a layman, the most they can do is get an SD card to store media and miscellaneous files, which unfortunately doesn’t help in case of smartphones as iPhone doesn’t come with an SD card at all, and Android revoked moving app data to SD card, since its KitKat version. So does that mean you are stuck in a situation where either you compromise by not installing new apps or change the phone itself? Well, not completely. There are some fixes you can try to squeeze more space out of your internal storage, and trust us, they work like a charm. So, exclusively for those running out of internal storage already, here are some fixes:
Use SD card as Internal Storage
Although Google pulled back the rights to move apps to SD card, it seems it did that for the greater good. With the launch of Android Lollipop, Google introduced a new feature using which you can permanently merge your SD card storage with the internal storage. To do that, simply go to Settings > Storage > SD Card > Tap on Vertical Ellipsis menu on top right corner > Storage Settings > Format as Internal. There you go; it is as simple as that. This feature is especially useful for phone with low storage capacity such as 8 GB or 16 GB, as using an SD card, you can significantly increase your internal storage by 2X, 3X or even more depending upon how much external storage your phone allows.
Note: Merging your SD card with the internal storage is an irreversible process and will render your SD card unusable on any other device. Also, the merger formats your memory, during which you lose your files. Needless to mention, if you have some important files in your SD card, and are planning to merge it with the internal storage, now is a good time to create a backup.

Cloud Storage
In case your phone doesn’t have a memory card because you thought your internal storage is big enough, because you bought that high-end phone; you must have already snapped out of the illusion as you are here, reading this article. Another case could be that you have a phone that doesn’t support SD card. The good news is, you can fix the storage problem in both the cases, with the help of cloud storage. If you have subscribed to a Wi-Fi broadband service, you don’t have to face shortage of internal storage at all. Mobile app development companies San Francisco like Google, Microsoft and many more, provide cloud storage of a sizeable amount via mobile apps, where you store all your important files in any format, by simply uploading them to the cloud server through your account. At present, there are applications like Google Drive, Box, and Amazon Drive etc. that offer up to 15 GBs of free storage. Google Photos, which is linked to Google Drive, directly uploads your photos with the backup feature, and cherry on top, its ArtificialIntelligence backed software arranges your app based on time of creation, faces recognized, size etc. However, there are paid cloud storage providers as well, such as BT Cloud, which offers 500 GBs of free storage, and above that charge a nominal fee for the same.

Clear the Cache
Sometimes you have to take things in your own hands. Although the process of cleaning the cache manually is a pretty simple process, there are people who are not aware of it, and consequently, are devoid of a lot of storage they could have enjoyed easily and instantly. So if you are one of those people, no worries, here is how you do it:
Go to Settings > Storage > Internal Storage > Scroll all the way down to Cached data. Tap on cached data and select OK to let those temporary files fly away. Make cleaning your cache, a regular affair to always keep your phone having some space.

Space Cleaner Apps
Space cleaner apps mainly do two things for you: first, they clear the cached data with your permission granted via a simple tap. Second, they dig your device’s internal storage to show up with files that are either duplicate or have been lying dormant for a long time, which basically implies they are there for nothing. All you have to do is let a cleaning app scan your phone to clean your cache and find files that are good for nothing. Once the scan is complete, carefully choose the files that matter to you and let go of the rest. Some of the best application developmentcompanies Washington DC like Clean Master, Google Files Go and some more, build apps that are best suited for cleaning your internal storage. So try them maybe?

With the tips & tricks we have mentioned above, you can definitely make storage in your phone, and enjoy the freedom to download your favourite apps. However, unfortunately, your smartphone would still hit a dead end at some point; after all, it isn’t unlimited, right?

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Published 1:53 AM by with 277 comments

How Mobile Apps increase Efficiency for Industries

app development
Smartphones have changed the way most of the industries perform operations, to a much simplified way, and as a result, we see most of the industries routing for smartphone integration in their processes. But what is it that makes smartphones smart? It’s the mobile applications that do. The good thing about programming is that mobile app development companies Washington DC can leverage it to create solutions for any purpose, and industries are no different.

So what are the benefits of mobile apps with respect to industries? Let’s find out:

Supply Chain Management, Control and Tracking:

Supply chain management is like the circulation system of a business. A stop in the flow equals a stop in the business, and hence, the profits. Large industries can hire big client software for supply chain, but small industries cannot do that due to high prices. To begin with, small companies can use numerous supply chain management apps available for phones. The recent rise of AI technologies is another addition to usability of mobile apps in SCM. Mobile apps instilled with smart AI technologies can detect a slowdown in the SCM and can report to the user almost immediately. Also, real-time tracking has also been made possible by apps like Google that are already being used by biggest players in logistics.

Human Resource Management:

Keeping track records of employees used to be one of the most perplexing aspects of HR management, until mobile apps happened. As of now, many apps offer mobile app solution for HR management that offers functions like leave applications, salary estimation, workflow designs and much more. Also, few of the apps like Employee Attendance, can help one maintain employee attendance.  

Managing asset performance:

Mobility ensures that assets will run at peak performance through faster response times, shorter maintenance, reduced downtime, and lower maintenance costs. Also, with ArtificialIntelligence - integrated mobile apps, industries can spot the errors and inefficiencies in their processes, and thrive to improve.

Paperless production:

Now-a-days, technology is improving fast with the help of secure mobile applications you can use to carry your data and also store production records. In terms of accessibility as well, mobile apps can avail you the exact piece of data you have been looking, much easily compared to the conventional record maintenance involving manual entry and piles of records which are impossible to shuffle through. Many mobile apps, instead of offering an absolute record building and viewing solution, allow the user to synchronize data records straight from desktop software like SAP and similar ones.


By utilization of mobile application technology in manufacturing, it is possible to improve production quality in real time. “According to PWC’s Annual Global CEO Survey, mobility is the top technology priority of industrial manufacturing CEOs.” Many mobile application developmentcompanies in USA are doing great for their business clients, and FuGenX is one of them. To get the best quality app solution for your business, reach us out at

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Published 2:04 AM by with 355 comments

Do you think Instant Apps are more useful?

app development
Digital technology is on the rise, and more and more mobile app development companies are harnessing the benefits of this not-so-ephemeral situation. Mobile app development is now one of the longest standing trends in the digital market scenario, and the latest instalment in its series is Instant Apps. Instant apps are the best example of how technology is evolving to take lesser space, lesser effort, and most importantly, are becoming more and more user friendly. Without actually taking space on your phone, Instant Apps can provide you with the same great features that other app formats offer. Especially, for low-end devices, Instant Apps are a boon because they work on minimal power and work without actually being installed.

Some of the best features of Instant Apps are being listed here that prove why Instant Apps are the future of mobile apps:

Ease of Accessibility:

Instant Apps are more useful, and easy to access with Android apps allowing users to experience the app without actually downloading it. This means that the end user can have features of an app as quickly as they click on a link to open a mobile web page. This makes it one of the fastest ways of using a smartphone, which has always been the goal of mobile app developers.

Customer Retention:

Instant Apps are one of the best ways to test an app before launching the native or hybrid of it. Only when the users will the app compelling enough, they would go for the native version, which is sort of a more detailed version of the app. Also, Instant Apps eliminate the concept of retention rate, which is often crucial in the case of native apps. One can use instant apps and once they close it, the instant app is gone till the next time they would need it. And because people can use the app whenever they want, without actually installing it; they will keep coming back for the app, as opposed to thinking twice because of the performance and storage space aspects of the app.

Save storage space:

The USP of Instant Apps is quite apparent: the space it takes on your smartphone. One of the biggest issues with Android is that the apps installed on it keep expanding and take up much more storage than what their developers mention on the play store, who are certainly not concealing the truth. Instant Apps have tackled this nature of Android apps by remarkably reducing the space they take on your phone, most of which is only temporary cache. This means the app are on your internal storage only till they are being used. This feature is specifically useful for low-end and budget devices, as Google is already focusing on increasing performance in such phones.

User experience :

The best thing about Instant Apps is that they do not compromise on the functionality and provide the user with the same great experience they have with native or hybrid apps. However, in terms of visuals, Instant Apps do have an inferior finish for obvious reasons. But then the functionality, which is slightly different from native apps, has been reshaped and made complete in its own way.


Instant apps have a great scope in the coming years because of their unique characteristic of not using internal storage. But then the question that stays is that whether these apps would be able to keep with the pace of changing technology, as we have complex technologies like AI, Machine Learning, IoT coming up in a couple of years. And to see how Instant Apps would match up with these technologies would be interesting. 
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